Get Involved

If you find yourself curious and wanting to learn and do more, we have collected a range of ways to get involved with the nature listening community. Uncover non-human conversations, or even get involved as a citizen scientist in gathering, categorizing, and identifying sounds.


BirdNET is a citizen science tool with an AI-powered app that allows people to identify bird sounds. Learn more


WildLabs is an online community of conservationists, technologists, engineers, and data scientists from around the world who work to find solutions to global conservation issues. Learn more


Zooniverse is a crowdsourcing platform that allows anyone to help scientific research by tagging acoustic recordings from wildlife species around the world. Learn more


Whale Alert is an app that prevents ship strikes by tracking whales acoustically on the shores of Canada and the United States. Citizens are invited to report whale sightings and boater locations. Learn more


Soundwalks are a way of moving through the world that is attuned to nature’s sounds. Explore the practice of deeper listening, and transform your awareness of the world around you.

NADA Sound Walk

The Nada sound walk allows participants to feel the sound from each element. For example, air would be perceived via ears and skin through sound and touch. Learn more


WalkingLab is a research collective that focuses on how soundwalks can expose the colonial issues of our time via sound.
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“A Garden Through Time”


“A Garden Through Time”, available through the Echoes App, allows people to walk specific routes in the Uk while listening to an audio guide. Learn more

Sound Tracker

Sound Tracker is a project by acoustic ecologist Gordon Hempton in which he shares international recordings of nature to avoid the extinction of silence. Learn more