The Wild Immersion

The Wild Immersion wants users to strap on a VR headset and experience the richness of Earth’s fleeting biodiversity— and hopefully through the immersive experience— feel a stronger sense of urgency to protect it. French founder, Adrien Moisson worked with film-maker Raphaël Aupy to capture footage from five continents around the world, which was then transformed into what is essentially an interactive documentary in 2018. 360-degree cameras were placed on the ground in chosen “natural” locations to capture overhead traffic of animals and the surrounding environment so that the viewer can feel as they are communing with the animals in their own habitat. Viewers can go on journeys through the jungles in South America, bamboo forests in Asia, the African Savannah, and the polar planes. Jane Goodall was brought into the project after being cornered by Moisson at Heathrow airport in 2018, seeing as Goodall’s involvement in conservation projects can greatly increase public exposure and guarantee a certain level of positive reception.  While she cautioned that the experience was no real substitute for appreciating the animals in real life, she found the experience quite exciting. While fostering a sense of connection with nature is heartening, Jane Goodall and other critics are quick to caution that people should not be lulled into a false sense of comfort that wild habitats and animals are safe and abundant since in reality species and habitats are under threat from climate change, poaching, habitat loss, and other factors. 

Rose, Steve.“Nuzzle a panda, kiss a lioness: Jane Goodall takes us on her wildest adventure yet.”


Aesthetic/Leisure, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Immersive Technology, Psychology, Visual Technologies