ISeeChange Tracker

ISeeChange is a mobile app that enables users to measure and track climate change impacts within their community. Launched in 2012 as part of the Association for Independents in Radio’s first Localore initiative, the ultimate goal of this initiative is to empower communities globally to generate, document, and understand their own climate data. The app enables users to create localized climate adaptation profiles, built on a user-driven community climate and weather journal. These profiles are created with the community’s voice in mind, centered around what to monitor and how to adapt. ISeeChange’s toolset provides data analysis, mapping, modeling, engagement and project design services, to enable users to post about their observations as a  user notices a change in their environment. User observations are automatically synced with remote sensing data, such as NASA satellite measurements of nearby CO2 emissions, year to year temperature anomalies, cloud cover, humidity, dew point, air pressure and wind speed and direction. As more posts are uploaded, a more detailed picture is painted and community members are able to track how climate is changing over time to better understand how they might adapt. By articulating global data with local conditions, ISeeChange’s creators hope to both inform and empower local communities. 


Aesthetic/Leisure, Citizen Science, Climate Change, Data, Ecological Monitoring, Internet of Things, Psychology