
IoBee was an EU-funded research project to provide “effective, timely, and user-friendly monitoring systems” for monitoring bees, their hives, and their environments. Sensors placed in hives and in the surrounding environment send real-time data on the health of and threats to the hive to a data gateway, which then transmits that information via GSM, GPRS, or wi-fi to a cloud-based server that can be accessed via computer or phone. This enables data to be used to run prediction models, risk assessments, issue warnings, and run historical analyses on the long-term health and safety of bee colonies. These data analytics, in turn, allows for more dynamic changes to be made to colony surveillance and conservation. This is especially vital since some EU countries have been experiencing up to one-third total loss of bee colonies each year, posing massive threats to agricultural production and ecological health. While complete, the concept appears to be the starting point of a new EU initiative to use IoBee technology that is supplemented by satellite imagery and Spatial Decision Support Systems. IoBee also began building supplementary sharing technology by creating a platform for communicating and integrating data from various sources, called The Bee Hub.

Cousin, Philippe, Eliza Căuia, Adrian Siceanu, and Julien de Cledat. “The Development of an Efficient System to Monitor the Honeybee Colonies Depopulations.

Potamitis, Ilyas, Iraklis Rigakis, Nicolaos-Alexandros Tatlas, and Spyros Kouzoupis. “A novel electronic gate that identifies and counts bees based on their RGB backscattered light.“

Tausch, Frederic, Katharina Luise Schmidt, and Matthias Diehl. “Current achievements and future developments of a novel AI based visual monitoring of beehives in ecotoxicology and for the monitoring of landscape structures.


Ecological Monitoring, Industry/Natural Commodities, Internet of Things, Monitoring