Green Climate Fund Contributions calculator

Turning information into action starts with data and a clear understanding of an issue. The World Resources Institute houses a wealth of data and visual tools to help track climate change policy and impact across different countries. The Green Climate Fund Calculator is a data tool designed to track the financial contributions of participating countries in the Paris Climate Accord to help developing countries meet their climate goals. The Green Climate Fund Calculator was set up in September of 2018, two years after the signing of the Paris Climate Accord, by Senior Associate at the World Resources Institute, Jacob Waslander. One can not only see the monetary goals established in the Paris Climate Accord but tinker with different scenarios for how much each developed country could possibly contribute. Their calculators show how countries are not currently meeting their contribution targets, which could have an impact on how commitments are formed during the next set of commitments set to be made in 2021. This calculator is useful for conceptualizing the sheer cost of helping developing countries meet their climate commitments, but also how it could be done smoothly with active help from wealthy, developed countries. It is worth noting that the calculator is hosted on and powered by data from the World Resource Institute, so there could be questions about the objectivity of the calculator and their data since it is all “in house”. However, this is a powerful visual tool and reinforces the seriousness of global financial commitments to effectively make progress on climate change.



Climate Change, Data, Ecological Modelling, Ecological Monitoring, Industry/Natural Commodities, Lifestyle, Psychology, Regulation