eBee Classic

SenseFly created the eBee Classic, a drone, which, as you might guess, looks like a bee, to assist in the visual modelling of remote areas. The eBee is light—weighing about a pound— and isn’t controlled remotely; once launched, it autonomously flies through a predetermined route. It is fitted with cameras that capture ground images that can capture 1.5 cm of distance per pixel, creating an incredibly detailed aerial photo. The collected data can be downloaded from the eBee and converted into any number of output forms, such as a raster file, DEM, or index map‚— common base maps for topographical studies. The intended purpose of the eBee is to model a wide range of topographies, including those that are not generally accessible to land surveyors. This could be a huge boon for researchers wanting to map species’ environments, plan research expeditions, or do any other environmental monitoring and modelling work. The downside to this technology, as with many other advanced technologies, is its accessibility. It is expensive, and depending on the type of analysis the user intends to do, a species-specific software might need to be purchased, adding yet another expense.



Data, Ecological Modelling, Monitoring, Visual Technologies