Citizen-Enabled Aerosol Measurements for Satellites (CEAMS)

Developed by NASA in 2017, Citizen-Enabled Aerosol Measurements for Satellites (CEAMS) is a low-cost instrument that is intended for use by citizen scientists. The device, a small white box that looks like a portable projector, works in conjunction with a mobile platform that allows users to see their measured PM2.5 and aerosol counts in real-time. Data is then displayed online, and used by NASA in evaluating the quality of their satellite data. CEAMS in turn ameliorates the wireless capability of citizen scientists while improving efficiency in data collection. The decision to focus on aerosols is due to their immense adverse effects on human health and air quality, and by distributing CEAMS to citizen scientists across the United States, NASA developers hope to gain a better idea of how these pollutants affect local communities and regions. While it is important to focus on aerosols, CEAMS’ efficiency could be improved by measuring a wider range of air pollutants.

Pierce, J. R., Volckens, J., Ford, B., Jathar, S., Long, M., Quinn, C., … & Wendt, E. (2017, December). “Citizen-Enabled aerosol measurements for satellites (CEAMS): A network for High-Resolution measurements of PM2. 5 and aerosol optical depth“.


Citizen Science, Ecological Monitoring, Monitoring, Pollution