
Can you imagine a world where climate change is combatted digitally? Well, CarbonX is using blockchain technology to do just that. CarbonX blockchain networks provide companies with two platforms that they can easily offset their carbon emissions and create demand for their carbon-neutral products and services: Zerofootprint and GOODcoins. Zerofootprint is recognized by the Obama White House, the Clinton Foundation, and the government of Ontario, and uses their patented carbon analysis to measure for excess emissions on a company’s operation, product line, service, or brand. After carbon targets have been set, any excess emittance will be balanced with carbon offset ZFP (Zerofootprint) tokens in real-time through the private CarbonX blockchain. This enables transparency of the origin of these offsets to be independently validated by a stakeholder as proof of carbon neutrality status, while simultaneously keeping all transactions secure. Through GOODcoins, companies that are certified by Zerofootprint can offer ZFP tokens as rewards to their customers for making carbon-friendly purchasing decisions and generate more demand for the products or services. When these ZFP tokens are redeemed by stakeholders, they then further offset the company’s excess emissions, creating a win-win-win scenario for the company, consumer and the environment, all performed through a blockchain. As of 2020, general knowledge of blockchains and how they operate is not widespread, so GOODcoins may not be revolutionary, but as the world becomes digitized CarbonX could become a large incentive for companies and consumers alike to operate carbon-free.


Blockchain, Climate Change, Regulation