
In an age where many are being more conscientious about travel (or cannot travel at all due to outside factors), immersive digital experiences, film, and apps are becoming substitutes for real-life exploration. 360cities.net is a large collection of stunning, high-resolution, interactive panoramic photos and 360º videos gathered from active citizen photographers and videographers around the world. Starting in 2014, the goal was to create a massive online library of cinematic shots of cities for people apps, educational experiences (like documentaries or short videos), apps, websites, games, and other mediums that use and rely on stock video footage as part of their branding and content. While 360Cities is not an experience in and of itself, it is the foundational bedrock behind a lot of other experiences and offers a range of free content so that their platform is accessible. It isn’t clear how the individual videographers and photographers who take the footage of their city are compensated or credited, though that information is likely available with an active subscription.


Aesthetic/Leisure, Citizen Science, Data, Immersive Technology, Psychology